dinsdag 21 april 2009

Our Most Important Day

First published May 11, 2005

The highlight of our trip

this is it : the reason why Ingrid and I are travelling together, and our main goal : the Hill of Crosses.

For those of you who don't know the story, here a brief overview...

Early September 2004 Frank left on a trip to the Baltic States. When he arrived in Kaunas he heard the terrible news that Ingrid's son, Nick, had been killed in a car accident. Frank put a small cross on the Hill of Crosses, an impressive location where millions of crosses remind you of those who won't be forgotten.

When I told Ingrid about this place last year, she took the decision to visit the Hill of Crosses one day. I promised her to help her and one year later we are standing there...

We found the small cross back and placed a larger one near the river. It was an emotional moment, and the three of us (Regita was there as well) were very much impressed.

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