zaterdag 23 mei 2009

Obituary for Bob Luitweiler - founder of SERVAS

Bob Luitweiler, pacifist, war resister, civil-rights and international peace activist, died on April 13, 2008, in Bellingham, Washington, U.S at the age of 89.
Through his passion for peace-building Luitweiler made thousands of people from all parts of the world enjoy hospitality and culture exchange through Servas, a peace organisation he started to build right after WW2. He laid the foundation for fostering peace, understanding and hospitality. Together with Servas BeWelcome will continue to live his ideas and build bridges between people and nations.

Watch a movie about the live work of Bob Luitweiler
Read a news article reflecting his achievements

Servas Open Doors is an international, non-governmental, interracial peace association running in over 125 countries by volunteers. Founded in 1949 by Bob Luitweiler and his friends as a peace movement, Servas International is a non-profit worldwide cooperative cultural exchange network bringing people together to build understanding, tolerance, mutual-respect, and world peace. It works toward world peace by encouraging individual person-to-person contacts.

Servas means "serve", in the sense of "we serve peace", in the language Esperanto. The organization was originally called Peacebuilders.

It operates through a network of Servas hosts around the world who are interested in opening their doors to travelers, and, 'on the other side of the coin', many open-minded travelers who want to get to know the heart of the countries they visit. Travelers and hosts may be interviewed annually according to branch (Member Country) practice; travelers write a letter of introduction annually, as well.

Servas International has consultative status as a non-governmental organization with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, currently with representation at many of the UN's hubs of activity.

There are over 20,000 Servas 'open doors' scattered throughout almost every country in the world.

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